Monday, January 10, 2011

Bountiful blessings

There is a lab here in my department that closed down over our break. The people that were over the lab had to go in and clean out everything from all kinds of office supplies to a bunch of junk. Well, not bragging, but since I have always been nothing but nice to them, they told me they were giving me first dibs on all the office supplies and to take any and everything I wanted for my office and then they would open it to the other departments.

I keep the office pretty well stocked in my department and my faculty doesn't have a need for anything so I went over anyway and just brought back an abundance of office materials and supplies, along with kaboodles of colored paper and such. We already had colored paper and when I went to go and get more, it was like flowing out of everywhere and we didn't have room enough to even receive it. We had stuff stacked from the window to wall and then stuff started overcrowding my office. So I called another department who I know don't have a materials budget like I do and can just order stuff how I want to--I told her to come and get some of this stuff from our department so she could have some for her department.

Well, just as I told her to come and get it, there was a person in my department complaining that I was giving some of "our stuff". I was like, We have soooooo much stuff that we can afford to give some of it away and that we wouldn't even miss it because duhhhhh, I got it from the lab and we already had plenty of stuff before I even went over there. We were blessed with all this stuff so I had to bless another department with it as well. They were extremely happy and I was too. Ain't no way we would even begin to use all this stuff up no time soon.


  1. greedy folks! good for you Queen.. I think that way too! Hope your family had a Happy Holiday and are having an Excellent New Year!!!

  2. I heard just last night that we will answer for what we give not for what we get. Love it!
