Saturday, May 9, 2009

Finally over for now

Finally, my class is now over. I took Intro to Criminal Justice. I made an "A" in that class and I couldn't be happier at this moment. You see, I've taken three classes already that are going towards my Bachelors of Arts in Criminal Justice. Even though I have about 900 more classes to go, it's OK because I'm taking it step by step and when I get that degree, then I will be even happier. When I was going for my A.A. in Pre-Legal Administration, It took me four years to get a two year degree, but I got it. Thank You, Jesus! This class that I just took wasn't a hard class, but it did become somewhat stressful after we found out that hubby had to have his surgery. I prayed and still managed to find time to study despite it all. Yes there were late nights that I had to stay up but that's all part of it, right?

Well I will not be taking any classes this summer, because I do need a break; but hopefully I will start again in the fall...that is, if I can get somebody to pay for my classes. HaHa.

1 comment:

  1. classes this summer? Good for you - EXHALE for a minute.
